Mystery of Lithium Ion Batteries Solved

ImageSaw this on Scientific American website. But what caught me eye was the subheading: A Glitch 2,000 papers missed?

Last week, in the journal Nature Communications, researchers outlined a new understanding of how energy moves within certain types of electrodes in cells, overturning the conventional wisdom that has reigned for more than 80 years.

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Counting down to the 225th ECS Meeting!

Program guide for 2014 225 ECS Meeting in Orlando, FL

My son, who is 9 and not making the trip to Orlando, keeps asking about what I’m going to see at Epcot and the Nemo ride. I’ve been telling him that for me it will be nano not Nemo, then plenary, and some poster sessions. Poster sessions he gets as a third year science fair exhibitor — this year was ‘How did they re-float the Costa Concordia?’ Answer: Parbuckling.

There is still time to sign up. And when you get here be sure not to miss out on:

You can have a look at a PDF of the Meeting Program and discover more great meeting opportunities!

See you there!


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Report: FAA too reliant on Boeing for lithium battery test

This from

Electrochemistry: Crash Course Chemistry #36

The government failed to properly test the Boeing 787′s lithium-ion batteries and relied too much on Boeing for technical expertise, a new report says.

The National Transportation Safety Board Thursday criticized the process used by the Federal Aviation Administration to certify the new jet in 2007. It also recommended that the FAA needed to look outside the aviation industry for technical advice.

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Report from ECEE 2014

My alt text is earthday

Photo of Earth and Clouds

The first Electrochemical Conference on Energy & the Environment, ECEE 2014, was held in Shanghai, China March 13-16. The international scientific conference and joint meeting of The Electrochemical Society (ECS) and the Chinese Society of Electrochemistry (CSE) covered a unique blend of topics pertaining to energy and the environment.ECEE 2014 served as a major forum for the discussion of interdisciplinary research from around the world through a variety of formats, such as invited and keynote oral presentations, poster sessions, and exhibits.

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